Visit & Connect

COVID-19 protocols


You're Invited

The life of faith has always been about relationships. God's relationship with us—God's promise that we’re valued and loved just as we are—is lived out in our relationships with others. We connect with friends and neighbors, with the needs of our community, with the concerns of the world.


We think of ourselves as a community of believers, questioners and questioning believers. Whether you're new to Good Shepherd, a member or a regular, please join us for worship or any of our service, learning and fellowship activities. Help us build a #biggerTable.

  • GSLC Inova Blood Drive


    Saturday, Sept. 7

    9 AM – 1 PM

    At Good Shepherd (lower level)

    There's no substitute for blood; it can only come from a volunteer blood donor. Join us to make a lifesaving donation.

    Book your appointment

    More details

    Questions? Contact Amy Hadley

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  • God's Work. Our Hands.


    Sunday, Sept. 8

    10 AM Unity worship service

    Light lunch

    11:15 AM Sandwichpalooza

    Ice cream social

    This year for God's Work. Our Hands. day we'll spread God's love one sandwich at a time. Join us for worship, service & fellowship!

    Details & signup

    Questions? Contact Amy Hadley

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  • A young boy and girl in a playground saucer swing that’s being pushed by an adult

    Community Shred Event


    Saturday, Sept. 28

    9:15 AM - Noon

    At GLSC

    Join Aspire Advisors for a community shredding event. Bring old tax returns, receipts, bills or other papers in a paper bag or box. No binder clips or hard metal, but staples or paper clips are fine. Limit 4 boxes per person.

    Free for everyone, friends and neighbors welcome!

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