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Documentary Film Debut Resolved: Never Again
Saturday, Sept. 21
7 – 8:30 PM
George Washington Masonic Memorial
Get tickets: $5 students, $10 general admission
Fundraising reception tickets also available
The Alexandria Community Remembrance Project (ACRP) will debut Resolved: Never Again, a documentary by filmmaker Robin Hamilton. The film explores the port city’s involvement in slavery and the domestic slave trade until the Civil War, an era followed by decades of racial terror when the lynchings of Joseph McCoy and Benjamin Thomas took place.
The evening opens at 5:30 PM with a fundraising reception. The film begins at 7 PM, followed by a panel discussion.
Questions? Contact Corinne Baker
Conversation on Faith & Democracy with Author Jim Wallis
Thursday, Sept. 26
7 – 9 PM
Virginia Theological Seminary
Lettie Pate Evans Multi Purpose Room
3630 Bishop Walker Circle, Alexandria
In the tradition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the anti-Nazi German Lutheran pastor who wrote about Christianity’s role in the secular world, Wallis’ latest book, The False White Gospel, details the assault on, and endangerment of U.S. institutions, voting rights, and people from minorities groups. Wallis provides examples of ways that people of faith can protect democracy and our neighbors.
Questions? Contact Pastor Kate
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Now and Forever Windows
Date TBA
We’re planning a visit to see the Now and Forever stained glass windows that were dedicated at the National Cathedral in September. The windows were created by acclaimed artist Kerry James Marshall and are accompanied by a poem written by Elizabeth Alexander. The Now and Forever windows replaced the Lee-Jackson windows that were removed after a deliberative process by the Cathedral.
Stay tuned for more details!
Questions? Contact Corinne Baker
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