Good Shepherd Leaders

Good Shepherd members elect individuals to serve on the congregation council and other groups that provide volunteer leadership, working with Pastor Kate and volunteers to be God’s hands in our community and world.

Committee members, both ad hoc and ongoing, and other helpers are needed to be part of our mission of service and learning. Let us know how you’d like to be involved or if you have questions by contacting Pastor Kate or Karen in the church office.

Congregation Council 



President (1-year term; limit: 3 consecutive)

Scott Baker (first term 2024)

Vice President (1-year term; limit: 3 consecutive)

Bruce Purdy (first term 2024)

Treasurer (1-year term; limit: none)

Denise Gray Baker (serving 2024)

Financial Secretary (1-year term; limit: none)

Wendell Anderson (serving 2024)

Recording Secretary (2-year term; limit: none)

Brenda Froberg (serving 2023-2024)

Legal Trustee (2-year term; limit: none)

Beth Hickey (serving 2023-2024)

Ministry Chairs

Communications (2-year term; limit: none)

Nicole Thompson (serving 2023-2024)

Community Outreach (2-year term; limit: none)

Amy Hadley (serving 2024-2025)

Education & Youth (2-year term; limit: none)

Kristin McCall (serving 2024-2025)

Evangelical Outreach (2-year term; limit: none)

Robbie Morris (serving 2023-2024)

Stewardship (2-year term; limit: none)

Christine Hoeffner (serving 2023-2024)

Worship & Music (2-year term; limit: none)

Anette Andersson (serving 2024-2025)

Committee Chairs

Finance (2-year term; limit: none)

Randy Parker (serving 2023-2024)

Property (2-year term; limit: none)

Sue Cottrol (serving 2024-2025)

Staff Support (2-year term; limit: none)

Barb Mullen-Roth (serving 2023-2024)

ALIVE Representative

  • Nancy Lopez (serving 2024)

2024 Synod Assembly Voting Members

  • Brenda Froberg
  • Lisa Howard

Meet Our Volunteer Leaders

Introductions to our council members are added as available.

  • Scott Baker, President

    What's a Bible verse or spiritual concept that's meaningful to you?

    Matthew 22: 37-40 ’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘ Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.

    What service do you usually go to? Currently: 8:30 AM

    Where did you grow up? Some say I haven’t, but I was raised in what was a small town, Hudson, Massachusetts, 45 minutes west of Boston and 15 minutes north of Worcester.

    What’s an example of how members can help/volunteer in your GSLC ministry area?

    Support our church’s ministries and operating fund with your offerings. The treasurer (working with the staff bookkeeper) is responsible for paying all the bills and debts of the church. This includes all expenses, salaries, payroll taxes and charitable endeavors supported by Good Shepherd.

  • Beth Hickey, Legal Trustee

    What's a Bible verse or spiritual concept that's meaningful to you?

    Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

    What service do you usually go to? 11 AM

    Where did you grow up? Ridgewood, NJ

    What’s an example of how members could help/volunteer in your GSLC ministry area?

    The legal trustee is concerned with risk, so if anyone sees safety or flooding issues, they should report them to me or the council president.

  • Robbie Morris, Evangelical Outreach Ministry Chair

    What's a Bible verse or spiritual concept that's meaningful to you?

    Matthew 6: 28-34 Whenever I feel anxious I like to “consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin….if God so clothes the grass… shall She not more clothe you?”

    I love how the Beatitudes (found in Matt 6:28-34, my paraphrase) present the compassionate teachings of Jesus.

    What service do you usually go to? I usually attend the 11 AM service, though Paul may tell you I attend the 11:15 service ;-)

    Where did you grow up? I was born in Chicago but moved to Pittsburgh, PA soon after my father died when I was five. That covers the first 25 years and the last forty have been here in Virginia. We started our family just a block away from GSLC, then moved to Ft. Hunt area.

    What’s an example of how members can help/volunteer in your GSLC ministry area?

    The Evangelical Outreach Committee truly needs members from various age groups and interests to step up and be the body of GSLC. Share with me how you feel we can be most welcoming!

    You may have been by the church and noticed some artsy things happening outside.

    The culmination of experiences, inspired early in the pandemic when I drove by a church and noticed a sign on their door, “Closed til further notice.”. Now hopefully they just meant the building, but it felt sad. I decided right then that our church was going to look like something was happening even if we couldn’t invite folks inside our doors!

    I would love to continue outdoor art to celebrate the church seasons and messages. If you have ideas or would like to work on someone else’s, let me know. I enjoy brainstorming so even if just a kernel, we’ll make it pop!

    I would also like a more active social media presence. What Nextdoor neighborhood could you post in? How do we present ourselves on Facebook?

    A fun fact, of all the ways I nurture people, preparing and presenting food is not what I do well. So, when we begin to gather again and have new member luncheons, I am going to need a committee of helpers!

  • Chris Hoeffner, Stewardship Chair

    What's a Bible verse or spiritual concept that's meaningful to you?

    Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

    What service do you usually go to? 11 AM

    Where did you grow up? Warren, MI

    What’s an example of how members can help/volunteer in your GSLC ministry area?

    Participate in the Stewardship team, brainstorming ways to identify member talents, encourage member participation by volunteering their time in programs and the mission of GSLC, and creating and sharing information about giving opportunities, and the spiritual and congregation benefits of stewardship.

  • Randy Parker, Finance Chair

    What's a Bible verse or spiritual concept that's meaningful to you?

    2 Timothy 1:7 God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment." To me this means we as Christians can use the gifts God has given us, whatever powers we possess through Grace, to go forward with purpose to promote God's message of love while being mindful of our resources so we use them for the benefit of others less fortunate or able. God is always with us and wants us to be free to walk in the world knowing we are under powerful care, so I believe we have a duty to help those in need, whatever the circumstance. This is embodied in my favorite song "Go my Children, With my Blessing" (and the many adaptations that also have great meaning). To me it is so powerful to know that someone (in our physical "in the moment world") is backed up by God and our combined blessings. I use this thought every day in my life as I struggle through it with all of you. Peace be with you!

    What service do you usually go to? 9:45, because we enjoy the interaction with the children during that service.

    Where did you grow up? I had a great childhood, growing up in rural Napa, California. I spent many a weekend in the hills with my dog and BB gun (in case of snakes!). It's a lot different now...too many people for the roads!

    What’s an example of how members can help/volunteer in your GSLC ministry area?

    As the Finance Committee chair, we can always use help with any stewardship efforts. And, as a relative "newbie" to GSLC, I have been blown away with the depth of caring knowledge that our Team members show constantly. As always, we need to the same spiritual and diverse business acumen with which God has our blessed our Team and if you feel you have a couple minutes a week I'd love to hear from you!

  • Sue Cottrol, Property Chair

    What’s a Bible verse or spiritual concept that’s meaningful to you?

    Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God who are called according to His purpose.

    What service do you usually go to? 8:30 AM

    Where did you grow up? On a farm outside of Bowling Green, Ohio.

    What’s an example of how members can help/volunteer in your GSLC ministry area?

    During my 36 years of membership in Good Shepherd I have evolved from a young single, to busy working mother, to retired empty nester. So too has evolved my involvement in church life: distributing food at homeless shelters, assisting in the nursery, shoveling snow-packed church parking spaces and serving as Sunday school superintendent. Now, as president of the church council I am charged to invite and encourage church members to serve as leaders of our ministries and committees. I’m hoping that in the coming weeks, as they “Meet the Shepherds” that our members - at whatever their stage in life - will be inspired to become involved in our ministries be it volunteering at a one-time event or serving in a church leadership role.