
  • How Much Should I Give?

    Expecting an answer with clear instructions – or formula to use? No, though it would be nice if there were a simple answer to this important question. But the decision of how much and how frequently to donate is a private one. One that’s rooted in our own relationship with God and Christian understanding that all that we have, indeed, comes from God. Read more (pdf)

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  • Planned Giving Workshop

    Thanks Chris Hoeffner and Denise Gray for organizing the workshop and to Yvonne Lembo for her wonderful presentation. If you couldn’t attend or want a refresher:

    See video below and article Yvonne  provided.

    Presentation slides (pdf, 1.6 mb)

    Asset inventory worksheet (pdf)

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  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

Help Us Build a #BiggerTable

Join us to offer your time, talent and treasure to be God hands in this world by giving back to our local community, responding to needs across the globe, and supporting each other at and through Good Shepherd.

Engaging Our World

We’re committed to sharing our gifts with the needs of our community and our world. Specifically, we:

  • Support the food pantry and related services of ALIVE!, Casa Chirilagua and Grace Pantry.
  • Support women rebuilding their lives after incarceration through Guest House.
  • Shelter those who are homeless through Carpenter's Shelter.
  • Support Lutheran camps and campus ministries, new mission starts, ELCA World Hunger, ELCA Disaster Response, Lutheran World Relief, advocacy for justice work, seminarians and sister synods in Namibia, El Salvador and Slovakia through our support of the Metropolitan DC Synod.

Inspiring Worship

Sunday worship, with the gifts of word and sacrament, is where faith is nurtured and discipleship is practiced. Though online worship and in-person, we:

  • Preach and celebrate weekly worship throughout the year.
  • Celebrate baptisms, first communions, confirmations, weddings and funerals.
  • Turn our hearts to God through song and prayer with organ, piano, choir and other musical gifts.
  • Explore additional worship styles and activities to engage online and outdoors.

Growing Deeper in Faith

Education and discipleship ministries offer vital resources to enable people of all ages to grow in faith. Gathering online we:

  • Connect with each other and with God through morning prayer and other devotional gatherings. 
  • Provide quality Christian education including Sunday School, Bible studies, book discussions, summer camp/Vacation Bible School (VBS), small groups and online devotions.
  • Encourage deepening of faith amid life in a diverse society through opportunities offered by our anti-racism team and conversations with our Muslim friends.

Connecting with New People

In pursuit of communicating the gospel to a hurting world we:

  • Engage our community online via social media and our website.
  • Publicize events using multiple communication tools.
  • Work to ensure that our welcome is genuine to all through the work of all members as a Reconciling in Christ congregation.
  • Provide opportunities for the community to take part in social events (block party, Easter egg hunt, etc.), learning (summer camp/Vacation Bible School, guest speakers, etc.) and service projects (God’s Work Our Hands, ALIVE! walkathon, etc.).
  • Work with our congregation council and committees and teams to strategize and implement tools for growth.

Caring for Our People & Space

Toward fellowship activities and care for our building and property we:

  • Provide opportunities for building relationships through online fellowship activities like game nights, hymn sings and blessings of the animals.
  • Check in with members and friends through the changes, joys and challenges of life.
  • Care for our building, including investing in proactive long-term maintenance, to ensure safety for our members, guests and groups we share our space with, including the Alexandria Choral Society and Guest House.

Administrative Support for Ministries

Ministries require administrative support including:

  • Provide bulletins and materials for worship and Christian education.
  • Provide for telephone and internet use.
  • Maintain database of pastoral acts and membership.
  • Create weekly e-newsletters.