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How Much Should I Give?
Expecting an answer with clear instructions – or formula to use? No, though it would be nice if there were a simple answer to this important question. But the decision of how much and how frequently to donate is a private one. One that’s rooted in our own relationship with God and Christian understanding that all that we have, indeed, comes from God. Read more (pdf)
Planned Giving Workshop
Thanks Chris Hoeffner and Denise Gray for organizing the workshop and to Yvonne Lembo for her wonderful presentation. If you couldn’t attend or want a refresher:
See video below and article Yvonne provided.
Presentation slides (pdf, 1.6 mb)
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Article 5: Planned Giving Starts with the Heart (pdf)
Article 4: Leg Three of the Three-Legged Stool (pdf)
Article 3: Leg Two of the Three-Legged Stool (pdf)
Article 2: The Three-Legged Stool (pdf)
Article 1: Introducing Yvonne and How to Grow Your Money Tree
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