- Students: 2 years old through high school
- Teachers and helpers: Adults (see our Child Protection Policy)
Typical schedule: Sundays during the school year, 10:45-11:45 a.m.
Over 40 children participate in Sunday School, which begins as part of our family-friendly worship service at 10:45 AM (in-person and online). After the children's message, kids move into Sunday School classes. We also offer education and conversation for adults at this time.
During Sunday School, children have an opportunity to socialize, participate in a Bible lesson and share an offering.
We emphasize stewardship of time, talent and resources when we receive the offering. The children's offering is used to support local, national and international outreach efforts, as well as efforts at Good Shepherd.
Questions? Contact Kristin McCall, education & youth ministry chair or Denise Steene, education ministry coordinator.